Bright Future Vendor Event

By Listen to Your Heart (other events)

Saturday, July 31 2021 8:00 AM 5:00 PM CDT

Team up with us for a day packed with sunshine and good vibes as we gather together to celebrate life and help others discover tools that they can use to live their best life!!

Doors will open at 8:00am for VIP Registration and at 8:30am for General Ticket Registration.  VIP's can use the extra time for early access to visit with you at our Wellness Expo.

As of right now, Booth Setup will be Friday afternoon/evening.  You will be updated in a week or so with the exact setup times.

Stay up to date with announcements, etc by following us using one of these platforms:

Facebook Event: The Future IS Bright!! (Health Event & Wellness Expo). 

Text Updates: text BVENDOR to Sarah at 605.413.4097 and you will be added to the event texting list. 

If you have any questions - please let us know.  

Contact Info:  Email: [email protected]   Text: Sarah 605.413.4097 or Shari 605.881.6175

We look forward to seeing you!!

**We have rooms blocked at the Brookings Inn (right where the event is located).  You can reserve them by calling 605.692.9471 and mention you will be attending the Listen to Your Heart - 2021 The Future IS Bright Event to snag the discount!!  The room block expires on July 21st, so don't delay.